Chapel Hill Parkinson's Support Group
The UNC Movement Disorders Center is a Parkinson's Foundation Center of Excellence, CurePSP Center of Care, and MSA Center of Excellence aims to serve and support those living with Parkinson's disease and atypical parkinsonism diagnoses.
The Chapel Hill-based Parkinson's support group is hosted in collaboration with the Orange County Department on Aging. It is open to anyone in the community who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease or is a care partner of someone with Parkinson's disease. You do not need to be a UNC patient to attend.
Where: Our split groups meets in-person at St. Thomas More Catholic Church(940 Carmichael Street Chapel Hill, NC 27514) in Chapel Hill with a zoom option as well. Our full groups for presentations meet virtually via Zoom.
RSVP is required by the Sunday before in order to receive the information to join the Zoom meeting.
Contact: For questions, to RSVP and/or to be added to email list, please contact Maggie Ivancic, MSW, LCSW at [email protected] or 919-843-2777
The Chapel Hill-based Parkinson's support group is hosted in collaboration with the Orange County Department on Aging. It is open to anyone in the community who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease or is a care partner of someone with Parkinson's disease. You do not need to be a UNC patient to attend.
- First Tuesdays of the month
- Alternates every other month between:
- "Split groups" (separate meetings for people with PD or carepartners) 1:30-3:00 pm - these are for open discussion
- "Full groups" (anyone with PD or care partners) 1:30-3:00pm - we alternate between presentations and topic-based group discussions
Where: Our split groups meets in-person at St. Thomas More Catholic Church(940 Carmichael Street Chapel Hill, NC 27514) in Chapel Hill with a zoom option as well. Our full groups for presentations meet virtually via Zoom.
RSVP is required by the Sunday before in order to receive the information to join the Zoom meeting.
Contact: For questions, to RSVP and/or to be added to email list, please contact Maggie Ivancic, MSW, LCSW at [email protected] or 919-843-2777